
This is reference material for local development and publishing new versions.

If you just want to use the library, you don’t need any of this.

Release checklist

  • Verify tests and examples work. (It must be passing on Travis CI.)

  • Check that all documentation is updated

  • Update version number (__version__) in gridsim/

  • Update changelog: move “Unreleased” to new version

  • Push to master

  • Create release on Github. (This will automatically create a new Stable and version-numbered documentation version on Read The Docs and deploy an updated release to PyPi.)

Build Documentation

from the docs directory, run:

make html

Then open the documentation:

open _build/html/index.html

Build the distributable for PyPi

(From the PyPi tutorial)

You shouldn’t need to do this manually anymore; this will be handled by Travis CI

Make sure the necessary dependencies are installed.

pip3 install --upgrade setuptools wheel twine

Build the project. From the project root folder, run:

python3 sdist bdist_wheel

Upload it to the testing index:

python3 -m twine upload --repository-url dist/*

Upload it to the actual index:

python3 -m twine upload dist/*

Profiling code

Use the packages cProfile and cprofilev to profile Python code. This is useful for finding slow spots in the simulator itself, as well as your own user code.

Note that these are not included as dependencies for Gridsim, so you will have to install them yourself:

pip install cprofilev

Option 1: Using just cprofilev

Run your code and profile it at the same time.

python -m cprofilev test_config.yml

Option 1: Using cProfile and cprofilev

This saves the output as a file, so you can go back and view it later without having to re-run the code.

  1. Run your script and save the output to a log file. For example:

    python -m cProfile -o out_log test_config.yml
  2. View the output:

    cprofilev -f out_log

    And go to localhost:4000 to view the output